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casco insumissia fusil roto

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Mel Duncan, Nonviolent Peaceforce. Correo Insumissia

Acción de emergencia : Inmediato alto el fuego y respeto por el Derecho Internacional Humanitario en Sri Lanka.

Acción de emergencia : Inmediato alto el fuego y respeto por el Derecho Internacional Humanitario en Sri Lanka.

3 de Agosto de 2006

Queridos amigos, amigas y colegas

Les escribo acerca de una emergencia.

Casi sin ser percibido por la comunidad internacional duros combates han tenido lugar en el este de Sri Lanka esta semana. Desde el martes, el LTTE (Tigres Tamiles) y fuerzas gubernamentales han estado batallando en las zonas de Muthur, Sampur y Mavil Aarau del la provincia de Trincomalee, donde nuestros equipos han estado activos durante casi tres años.

En la ciudad de Mutur toda la infraestructura civil ha sido destruida y la población civil (tamiles, musulmanes y cingaleses) están buscando refugio en mezquitas, iglesias y escuelas. Tanto el hospital como una de las escuelas donde la gente había tomado refugio han sido atacadas con obuses, con el resultado de diez personas muertas y muchas heridas. Una ambulancia traslándose por Mutur tambin ha sido atacada.

La gente ha estado más de 48 horas sin suministros de agua y comida, y el hospital no puede llevar a cabo sus funciones por la falta de medicinas y plantilla. Entre los civiles atrapados en Mutur hay cinci trabajadores de Nonviolent Peaceforce y sus familias. Ellos están en contacto con la gente y nos han contado que 25.000 personas en Mutir quieren abandonar la ciudad pero no pueden hacerlo porque los actores armados se lo impiden.

Dada la situación, y atendiendo al destino de la población civil de Mutur y otras zonas:

- Llamamos urgentemente al gobierno de Sri Lanka y el LTTE ha llevar a cabo un inmediato alto el fuego, al de 24 a 48 horas al menos para permitir a los enfermos y heridos ser trasportados al hospital de Trincomalee y aquellos que deseen abandonar el campo de batalla puedan hacerlo.
- Recordamos a todas las partes en conflicto que el Derecho Humanitario Internacional prescribe la protección de la población civil en zonas de guerra. Ataques sobre zonas civiles, ambulancias y refugios no son tolerados y deben ser detenidos inmediatamente.

Por favor apoya este llamamiento enviando la carta que hay más abajo por fax o correo electrónico al Presidente de Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapkse y al líder del LTTE Velupillai Prabhakaran, añadiendo copia a los secretariados de paz tanto del gobierno como del LTTE.

If you received this appeal through the general NP database, please send a copy of your letter or information that you faxed it to: CSchweitzer
If you received the appeal through the NP Emergency Network, please send to ern
With hope and resolve,

Mel Duncan

Executive Director


Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse
Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka
C/O Office of the President
Temple Trees
150, Galle Road
Colombo 3

Fax: +94 11 2472100 / +94 11 2446657
Email: secretary
cc: Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP)
Fax: +94 11 5554473 info

Your Excellency,

With deep concern I have learned of the humanitarian crisis in the Muthur, Sampur and Mavil Aaru areas of Trincomalee District. Fighting between the Army and the the LTTE has now gone on for more than 48 hours, and many civilians have been wounded and killed in the attacks.

In the face of this situation, and in concern for the fate of the civilian population in Mutur and other areas,

· We appeal urgently to you to implement an immediate cease-fire, at least for 24 to 48 hours in order to allow the sick and wounded to be transported to Trincomalee hospital and those who wish to leave the battle grounds to do so.

· We remind all sides in the conflict about the standards of International Humanitarian Law which prescribes the protection of civilian population in war. Attacks on civilian areas, ambulances and shelters are intolerable and have to stop immediately.

I have received this information through the network of the international NGO Nonviolent Peaceforce. Nonviolent Peaceforce has always maintained an impartial position and is solely motivated by assisting civilians through nonviolent means. It has been in Sri Lanka since 2003 and works at the invitation of civilians to support nonviolent conflict resolution and the protection of Sri Lankans working for their communities. At the moment, five of NP’s local staff are trapped in Mutur together with the other civilians.

Yours sincerely

Mr. Veluppillai Prabhakaran
c/o LTTE Peace Secretariat
Fax +94- 21 222 3959

Dear Sir,

With deep concern I have learned of the humanitarian crisis in the Muthur, Sampur and Mavil Aaru areas of Trincomalee District. Fighting between the Army and the the LTTE has now gone on for more than 48 hours, and many civilians have been wounded and killed in the attacks.

In the face of this situation, and in concern for the fate of the civilian population in Mutur and other areas,

· We appeal urgently to you to implement an immediate cease-fire, at least for 24 to 48 hours in order to allow the sick and wounded to be transported to Trincomalee hospital and those who wish to leave the battle grounds to do so.

· We remind all sides in the conflict about the standards of International Humanitarian Law which prescribes the protection of civilian population in war. Attacks on civilian areas, ambulances and shelters are intolerable and have to stop immediately.

I have received this information through the network of the international NGO Nonviolent Peaceforce. Nonviolent Peaceforce has always maintained an impartial position and is solely motivated by assisting civilians through nonviolent means. It has been in Sri Lanka since 2003 and works at the invitation of civilians to support nonviolent conflict resolution and the protection of Sri Lankans working for their communities. At the moment, five of NP’s local staff are trapped in Mutur together with the other civilians.

Yours sincerely,

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