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Acción directa contra la I+D militar

Bloqueadas con éxito instalaciones de robótica militar en Pittsburgh (EEUU)

Bloqueadas con éxito instalaciones de robótica militar en Pittsburgh (EEUU)

El viernes 2 de marzo de 2007, el grupo organizador de Pittsburgh (POG) y simpatizantes llevaron a cabo el bloqueo del Centro Nacional de Ingeniería Robótica (NREC), una empresa de la universidad Carnegie Mellon (CMU) generosamente financiada por el Pentágono, que se ha convertido en líder mundial en robótica militar. La acción tuvo éxito por encima de las previsiones de los grupos organizadores.

Dos acciones se organizaron para crear una barricada. La primera fue un esfuerzo no hecho público de cuatro grupos de afinidad para impedir el uso de las entradas principales usando tubos de bloqueo (tubos largos dentro de los que dos personas puedene encadenar sus brazos), candados en U y un trípode. Estos grupos empezaron su acción a las 5 de la mañana, antes de que la policía llegara al lugar. Esta acción bloqueó todo el acceso de vehículos al NREC y obstaculizó fuertemente la posibilidad de entrada de peatones. La segunda pieza de la acción fue una marcha públicamente anunciada a las 7:30 de la mañana desde parque Friendship al NREC, que también intentó bloquear las instalaciones. Como era de esperar, un gran número de agentes de policía fueron desplegados en varios lugares para asegurar que la marcha no podía impedir el acceso al Centro.

No es ninguna sorpresa que cuando se anuncian públicamente los planes para el bloqueo de una instalación multimillonaria, especialmente una fuertemente financiada por el Ejército, el estado haga planes también para detenerte. El sentido de la acción no anunciada fue ocupar y mantener el espacio que queríamos antes de la llegada de la policía. La marcha quería llevar más gente a un bloqueo ya en marcha y dejar abierta la posibilidad de un segundo intento si el primero era rápidemente disuelto. En lugar de estar obligados a empujar el cordón policial, con una fuerte confrontación y el riesgo que esto hubiera supuesto, mucha gente ya estaba donde quería estar.

Ha sido una desobediencia a gran escala que ha cerrado la instalación. Treinta y cinco personas bloquearon las entradas principales en la mayor acción de desobediencia en Pittsburgh desde que empezó la guerra. Esta acción marcó el primer uso a gran escala de tubos de bloqueo, candados en U y trípodes en Pittsburgh, y fue precisamente el uso de estas técnicas lo que nos permitió mantener el espacio durante todo ese tiempo. Habiendo traido a miembros de Seguridad Interior una semana antes para entrenar a la policía en cómo desalojarnos, los agentes todavía tardaron más de 5 horas en sacar a 15 activistas fuera de la calle, 3 horas después de que la policía comenzara a intentar soltar a la gente. Al final, la policía desplegó a más de 50 agentes de varios departamentos, la mayoría concentrados en la puerta trasera. Se pudo ver como agentes del FBI tomaron imágenes desde una ventana al otro lado de la calle.

La acción recibió lo que puede ser la más extensa cobertura de medios entre todas las acciones locales contra la guerra desde que ésta comenzó en 2003. La mayoría de los medios corporativos e independientes entrevistaron a los participantes, a veces incluso informando en directo desde el lugar y durante todo el día.

Naturalmente, los medios de la Universidad Carnegie Mellon respondieron que el bloqueo no afectó completamente a su trabajo. A través de conexiones telemáticas, y la reestructuración del plan de trabajo, «casi todo el mundo» pudo continuar haciendo su trabajo.

Pero parece que no han entendido en absoluto el sentido de la acción. Lo que dijimos que haríamos e hicimos fue bloquear el NREC como un acto tangible de resistencia a la guerra. Nuestro objetivo no era mantener a los empleados de la instalación en sus casas como rehenes asegurándonos de que no pudieran trabajar en un proyecto militar. Como nuestros repetidos bloqueos del centro de reclutamiento, esta acción tenía la intención de lanzar un mensaje contra la guerra en una instalación relacionada con la guerra que no había recibido hasta ahora el escrutinio público.

Forzando a los reclutadores a alterar sus calendarios o impidiéndoles acceder a sus oficinas, retrasando la producción de equipos militares, ocupando las oficinas de los legisladores o bloqueando las instalaciones del líder mundial en robótica militar. Ninguna de estas acciones son la mágica bala de plata para parar la guerra o forzar un cambio estructural en nuestra sociedad. Todo el trabajo que hacemos está en conjunción con una miriada de otras tácticas educativas y de acción de millones de personas en el país. Peticiones, llamadas telefónicas, cartas al director, talleres, arte antiguerra, acciones de desobediencia civil, todo hace su parte. Todo este movimiento está creando un clima de resistencia sistemática a través de grandes sectores sociales. Todas estas acciones contribuyen a visibilizar una resistencia a la guerra, el imperio, y la ocupación que está creciendo. El POG ve su papel en intentar empujar al movimiento hacia la acción directa usando métodos bien probados y la experimentación en nuevas direcciones tácticas.

Queremos agradecer a toda la gente que tomó parte en la acción, especialmente a las personas que viajaron desde Illinois, Ohio, Maryland y otros lugares, arriegándose a ser detenidas. También a quienes participaron en la concentración de solidaridad en el exterior de la cárcel, asistieron a las declaraciones (esto cambió las cosas con el juez!), toda la gente que dio dinero y envió mensajes de apoyo, la banda andante, los simpatizantes que alojaron a gente y todos los que nos concedieron el beneficio de la duda, de que no seríamos inmediatamente aplastados por el estado!

Pronto tendrán lugar declaraciones judiciales. Está también la certeza de que continuaremos las acciones contra el aparato de reclutamiento y nos enfrentaremos a la contribución directa a la guerra de la Universidad Carnegie Mellon.

Amor, solidaridad y resistencia

Pittsburgh Organizing Group
pog (at) mutualaid (dot) org

Video de la acción:
- Parte 1
- Parte 2

El Centro Nacional de Ingeniería Robótica (NREC) fue el blanco de la protesta debido a su intensa implicación en la «robótica militar». Al darse cuenta de que uno de los mayores obstáculos para mantener el apoyo público a la guerra son las cifras de soldados estadounidenses muertos, el Ejército ha empezado a invertir miles de millones de dólares en el desarrollo de robots y vehículos no tripulados. Instituciones conectadas con el sistema de universidades (como el NREC) y entidades privadas han recibido grandes contratos del Pentágono para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías de combate. La Universidad Carnergie Mellon ha recibido tanto dinero y apoyo del Pentágono que es casi imposible para los estudiantes hacer investigación sin contribuir al complejo militar-industrial.

Según un artículo publicado en The New People, «la CMU es a la robótica militar lo que la Universidad de California es a las armas nucleares». Mientras que los partidarios de la robótica militar argumentan que salva vidas, los críticos responden que más bien «hace aséptico y deshumaniza el combate», lo que provoca que la decisión de hacer la guerra sea potencialmente más fácil debido a que se elimina parcialmente el costo en vidas de soldados propios. Además, y ese ha sido el caso con otras tecnologías inicialmente desarolladas para el Ejército, es bastante posible que estas nuevas tecnologías sean usadas contra la población de EEUU como una herramienta para hacer la represión de amplios sectores sociales más «eficiente», y por tanto como una herramienta para neutralizar el disenso.

  • 25 de abril de 2007 10:23

    De A-Infos

    Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG) is a radical group based in Pittsburgh,
    Pennsylvania working to affect systemic progressive change in society. We seek
    to understand and oppose the inter-connected forms of oppression while
    utilizing non-hierarchical, consensus-based organizing. As a fairly large and
    active group we often do an inadequate job at conveying to other groups and
    interested people what our work looks like. We thought an article detailing
    what’s been happening in the past month might be of interest rather than a
    single report on one of our events. --- For Pittsburgh Organizing Group,
    pickets, protests, visits to and from the police, letter writing, sign making,
    meetings, trainings, accusations from the corporate media, court appearances,
    oh my.

    Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG) is a radical group based in Pittsburgh,
    Pennsylvania working to affect systemic progressive change in society. We seek
    to understand and oppose the inter-connected forms of oppression while
    utilizing non-hierarchical, consensus-based organizing. As a fairly large and
    active group we often do an inadequate job at conveying to other groups and
    interested people what our work looks like. We thought an article detailing
    what’s been happening in the past month might be of interest rather than a
    single report on one of our events.

    March 25: POG Potluck----

    As a way of helping new people get involved in organizing, POG occasionally
    holds potlucks. We invite people who wish to get involved to come talk to us,
    get to know us, and hang out and have fun. POG has been endeavoring to have
    more of these events, and will be holding another on April 29.

    March 29: Camping Out to Support Public Transit----

    In preparation for a crucial vote by the Port Authority Board of Directors on
    proposed 15% service cuts, the bus rider group Save Our Transit
    ( held an all night vigil outside the Port Authority
    offices. POG made an effort to turn people out and many members attended for
    all or part of the night.

    March 30: Supporting Political Prisoners Through Letter Writing----

    On the last Friday of every month POG members gather to write letters to
    political prisoners. The project exists to encourage correspondence between
    Pittsburgh activists and political prisoners. Our goal is to support people who
    are incarcerated in the United States as a result of their political beliefs or
    actions they’ve consciously undertaken to either resist exploitation and
    oppression, or hasten the implementation of an egalitarian, sustainable,
    ethical, non-hierarchical society, predicated on self determination, protection
    of innate human rights, and maximization of all people’s freedom. We were
    inspired by similar projects around the country and are aware of the increasing
    crackdown on dissent; we see letter writing as an easy way for Pittsburghers to
    help build a culture of support for those voices the state is trying to
    extinguish. Prisoner support goes hand in hand with, and should be a part of,
    building a movement for radical change. At first we were primarily writing to
    individuals involved in military recruitment actions or who were well known in
    the anarchist movement. More recently we’ve added a focus on writing to a wider
    range of prisoners.

    April 3: Counter-Recruitment Picket Attacked by Police----

    Our most active campaign over the last two years has been an effort to confront
    military recruitment in Pittsburgh. Our campaign started as a strategic
    decision to move from generic anti-war marches towards confronting specific
    groups/institutions in society that are supporting or facilitating the war.
    We’ve held more than 60 pickets outside local recruiting stations, direct
    actions that have shut stations down, presentations and skill shares in other
    cities, educational outreach at local high schools, the distribution of tens of
    thousands of flyers, banner drops and more.

    One of the bedrocks of the campaign has been regular and consistent protest
    outside the recruiting station in Oakland. A few months ago the military
    quietly opened a new recruiting station in Shadyside. This Marine Corps officer
    selection station is part of a program designed to recruit and train the
    managing class of the military hierarchy. With the arrival of a new station we
    felt it was important to bring attention and opposition to its presence. On
    April 3 about 25 people stood outside the station. An hour into the picket,
    protesters were at the edge of the sidewalk on both sides of the street and the
    sidewalk was otherwise clear to pedestrians who continued to pass. Sgt. William
    Vollberg began making degrading comments about women supporting the
    demonstration. When a protester attempted to photograph him, he became
    belligerent and violent, physically forcing the photographer from the protest,
    hitting, choking and arresting observing protesters. While POG is sometimes
    involved in confrontations with the police during direct actions, no direct
    action or civil disobedience was called for or occurred at this particular picket.

    The next day, as we prepared to go public with information on the police
    violence, the media began reporting the station had been vandalized at 3:45am.
    According to local corporate news (such as KDKA radio) the station incurred
    approximately $7,000 in damage; all of its windows and doors had been broken
    and there was also damage to the interior of the station. Much of the corporate
    press attempted to implicate or otherwise blame POG for the vandalism. As of
    today, the entire station is boarded up and the police have reported that the
    incident remains under investigation.

    POG as a group, in keeping with our statement of solidarity towards the
    movement, generally doesn’t take positions on things that occur outside of
    events we organize. While the vandalism complicated our group’s media response
    to the police brutality, it did not occur at a POG-organized event. We focus on
    talking about our tactics and strategies.

    In response to the police violence, POG quickly put out statements about what
    happened to the wider activist community. We gathered statements and
    photographs, supporters called politicians, and we contacted sympathetic
    lawyers. We also quickly announced plans for a vigil outside the home of Sgt.
    Vollberg and a return picket at the site of the attack. In the interim we had a
    sign-making party to ensure visuals for the upcoming events.

    A local newsweekly, Pittsburgh City Paper, ran a story on the attack (including
    confirmation from two independent witnesses) and advertised our upcoming events.

    April 5: Media Training to Build the Movement’s Skill Base----

    POG has increasingly been prioritizing the sharing of skills and knowledge held
    by members of the group to others within the group and the wider community. The
    Tactical Training Initiative aims to help educate activists and non-activists
    alike about protest tactics, movement history, strategies and skills. Previous
    trainings have been held on lockboxes, lockdown devices and "Going to an Action
    101." Upcoming trainings from POG include a two part series on the history of
    the global justice movement summit protests, covering the period from 1998-2003
    with an emphasis on comparing and contrasting various convergence organizing

    On April 5 members of POG and interested community members came to learn how to
    use media effectively to complement a social justice campaign. The workshop
    covered the basics of doing media work/outreach to accompany strategic
    campaigns for social justice. Some of the specific areas covered were: writing
    press releases, media wrangling, relationship-building, creating media packets,
    the difference between press conferences and action media work, the importance
    of role rotation and other collective and radical philosophies that have worked
    for POG over the years. The workshop utilized role-playing and discussion,
    while providing helpful materials
    for participants to take back to their campaigns.

    April 12: Vigiling at Vollberg’s House----

    On April 12 POG and supporters gathered outside the home of Sgt. Vollberg,
    (1705 Cosmos Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15207, in West Mifflin). Thirty people
    lined the sidewalk with signs denouncing his violent attacks, calling for
    accountability from the police, and emphasizing that, while deplorable, this
    manifestation was just a product of a systemic problem. The police response was
    significant, comprising at least seven police cars, two unmarked cars and two
    police vans with surveillance equipment. Our only interaction with the police
    during the event was when they asked who was «in charge» and ordered us to
    stand across the street from Vollberg’s house (in front of someone else’s
    house) while saying they were «allowing us to be there.» We held vigil for over
    an hour and handed out flyers stating why we were there protesting in a
    residential neighborhood.

    Participants attending the picket were tailed to their cars and followed back
    to Pittsburgh. One car was pulled over for a minor traffic violation, receiving
    hundreds of dollars in fines and a bit of harassment. During the picket the
    police surveillance van went by every car in the area and snapped pictures of
    the license plates.

    That night and since, we’ve been really popular with the police!

    Coincidentally, a number of people who drove to the Vollberg picket have found
    the police nearby. The night of the vigil, police made a 3am visit to the home
    of an attendee based on an unidentified «underage party complaint.» The four
    (overage) people in the quiet house were amused. A complaint was filed with the
    Office of Municipal Investigations. A few days later, another person who drove
    a parent’s car to the vigil was told by the parent that the police had blocked
    the driveway and stared up at the parked car. In these and two other cases
    police were writing things down in a notebook while looking at either the
    residents or the house.

    April 14: Reclaiming Our Right to Protest, Return to the Shadyside Station----

    On Saturday, April 14, POG revisited the Shadyside station for a two-hour
    «Reclaiming Our Right to Protest» picket. In the pouring rain, 25 activists
    held signs under the watching eyes of numerous police officers and the usual
    surveillance vans. The pattern of police misconduct and response to follow-up
    events is strikingly predictable: Visibly angry, white male officers have
    perpetuated almost all the incidents of violence and harassment, with a couple
    notable exceptions. The police generally send women and people of color, as
    they did on April 14, to the follow-up events where they end up taking a
    hands-off approach.

    April 17: Tax Day Counter Recruitment Picket----

    On Tuesday, April 17 (also known as Tax Day), POG returned for a two-hour
    picket outside the main military recruitment station in Pittsburgh.
    Pittsburghers have already paid $310 million for the war in Iraq as Congress
    decides whether to allocate billions more. Meanwhile, 51% of the proposed 2008
    Federal budget is directed towards military ends, which comes at the expense of
    cuts in education, such as the elimination of the Supplemental Educational
    Opportunity Grant program. Overall increased «defense» spending on war,
    supported by both parties, aids a long-term goal of the right wing to bankrupt
    the government to force reductions in social spending.

    Going to Court----

    A local activist went to court on charges of institutional vandalism (a second
    degree misdemeanor). The arrest was made on January 13, for graffiti on the
    door of the military recruiting station in Oakland. Several people showed up to
    the hearing to support our comrade, taking up the length of a wall in the
    courtroom. After the arresting officer showed up more than two hours late, a
    plea bargain was offered and accepted. The offer was for community service and
    pleading guilty to a summery charge disorderly conduct.

    Overall the month so far has been fairly representative of what our group is up
    to on an ongoing basis. We held two general meetings and a project meeting.
    There were a slightly higher number of events than we usually see in a month,
    but they were also smaller and less involved than many of the large scale
    actions we organize.

    For more information on POG see: or contact us at

    * What’s next for POG: Thursday, April 26, workshop on resistance to the
    G8 in Germany 2007, 7pm at the Thomas Merton Center, 5125 Penn Avenue
    * Thursday, May 3, court appearance for 13 arrestees from the
    POG-organized shutdown of NREC on March 2
    * Saturday, May 5, counter-recruitment picket, Oakland station, 11am-1pm
    * Saturday, May 5, «Sacco & Spaghetti Benefit,» location TBA, dinner at
    6:30pm, movie at 8pm
    * Sunday, July 1, «Annual Anarchist Picnic,» 1-6pm at the Andersen Shelter
    in Schenley Park

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