El objetor de conciencia turco Mehmet Tarhan, detenido ilegalmente, gana
derechos en prision, sera juzgado de nuevo el 12 de Julio.
Recientemente os enviamos una Accion Alerta urgiendo vuetro apoyo a M.T. un
objetor gai de conciencia turco detenido desde el 8 de Abril en la prision
militar de Sivas (Turquia), donde ha sido brutalmente atacado
( http://www.refusingtokill.net/Turke... ).
Cuando M.T. aparecio ante el juzgado militar el 9 de Junio, el juez le
absolvio- una gran victoria incluso para el movimiento internacional que le
apoya. Pero el ejercito inmediatamente le detuvo de nuevo, en abierta
violacion de la ley internacional, y le envio de vuelta a la prision militar
de Sivas.
Ahora se enfrenta a un nuevo juicio el 12 de Julio, por eso necesitamos
ahora vuestro apoyo urgente para insistir en que se retiren los cargos
contra M.T. y pedir que sea liberado inmediatamente.
M.T. estuvo 28 d’ias en huelga de hambre en protesta contra su tratamiento
en prision, y el 21 de Junio obtuvo sus demandas: una celda para ’el solo
para protegerle de los abusos de los otros prisioneros, recibir sus mail
regularmente, acceso a libros, hacerse su propio te, televiosion, y un
examen por medicos civiles que le visitaron y declararon que tenia buena
salud. El tratamiento necesario tras su huelga de hambre ha comenzado ahora.
Hemos recibido copias de cartas de protesta a las autoridades turcas desde
Argentina, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, UK ay US. Especialmentely,
Stephen Funk,un gay que fue el primer soldado norteamericano en desobedecer
publicamente el servicio en Irak, escribio al gobierno turcoh government
(http://www.refusingtokill.net/Turke... ). Y ha habido
manifestaciones en Frankfurt y Athens.
Nosotros y otros, hemos animado a Miembros del Parlamento Europeo y muchos
han declarado su apoyo.Obtener sus intervencionesen las negociaciones por la
entrada de Turquia en la Union Europea es crucial para la seguridad de M.T.
En Turquia ha habido marchas en favor de M.T. en las bases militares de
Harbiye y Incirlik, banderas, octavillas y cantos en las manifestaciones del
1 de Mayo en Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya y Malatya;
lecturas de sus cartas desde la prision en el festival antimilitarista de
Izmir, cartas de amigos, conferencias de prensa, manifestaciones y apoyo en
el propio juicio. Muchas organizaciones se han involucrado: grupos
antimilitaristas,de lesbianas y gays,de mujeres y pro derechos humanos,
anarquistas. No debemos olvidar que tras su persecucion estan lel inmenso y
oculto numero de conscriptos evadidos- 350.000 muchos desobedeciendo el
servicio en la guerra de Turquia contra el pueblo Kurdo.
M.T. y quienes le apoyan en Turquia necesitan saber que la gente esta
internacionalmente organizada, para protege su vida y conseguir su derecho a
la objecion de conciencia. Os urgimos a escribir cartas o postales a:
> Mehmet Tarhan, 5. Piyade Egitim Tugayi, Askeri Cezaevi, Temeltepe -
>Sivas, Turkey
Os urgimos a escribir de nuevo a las autoridades turcas, presionando por su
inmediata e incondicional libertad. Confiamos en su continuidad y su
decidida campana contra la guerra, libre de restricciones y persecuciones,
1 War Resisters International, CO-alert, 22 June 2005
2 Quaker Council for European Affairs: The Right to Conscientious
Objection in Europe: A Review of the Current Situation, 2005.
Traducido por : Pedro Enrique Polo Soltero.
Lo que puedes hacer:
· Escribe a Mehmet Tarhan
· Escribe cartas de protesta a las autoridades turcas, ver
modelo debajo
General Staff fax: (+90) 312 - 425 08 13 email:
gnkur tsk.mil.tr
Presidency of Turkey Republic fax: (+90) 312 427 13 30 email:
cumhurbaskanligi tccb.gov.tr
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan fax: +90 312 417 0476
email: rte akparti.org.tr
Minister of the Interior Abdulkadir Aksu fax: + 90 312 418
1795 email: aaksu icisleri.gov.tr
Minister for Justice Cemil Çiçek fax: +90 312 419 3370 email:
cemilcicek adalet.gov.tr
Sivas Military Prison fax : (+90) 346- 225 39 15
· Envia copias a la embajada turca en tu pais puedes encontrar
la direccion en:
· Envia copias a las instituciones europeas
Mr Trevor Stevens, Executive Secretary, European Committee
for the Prevention of Torture
Olli Rehn, Commissioner for Enlargement Policy of the European
Alvaro Gil-Robles, Commissioner for Human Rights of the
Council of Europe
Michael Cashman, President of the European Parliament’s
Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights
And to your MEP - a list of is available at
· Por favor envia copia de tu carta a Payday,
payday paydaynet.org and War Resisters International info wri-irg.org .
Para enviar tu carta, puedes copiar y pegar estas direcciones:
to: gnkur tsk.mil.tr; cumhurbaskanligi tccb.gov.tr;
rte akparti.org.tr; aaksu icisleri.gov.tr; cemilcicek adalet.gov.tr
cc: aadamou europarl.eu.int; vagnoletto europarl.eu.int;
segreteria vittorioagnoletto.it; gberlinguer europarl.eu.int;
fbertinotti europarl.eu.int; ebonino europarl.eu.int;
pcasaca europarl.eu.int; deputado paulocasaca.net;
mcashman europarl.eu.int; gchiesa europarl.eu.int;
dcohnbendit europarl.eu.int; d.massimo dol.it; adipietro europarl.eu.int;
asistent falbr.cz; mfrassoni europarl.eu.int; lgruber europarl.eu.int;
jeanlambert greenmeps.org.uk; eletta europarl.eu.int;
carolinelucas greenmeps.org.uk; hmarkov europarl.eu.int; emeijer sp.nl;
hflautre europarl.eu.int; lmorgantini europarl.eu.int;
rmusacchio europarl.eu.int; mpannella europarl.eu.int;
dpapadimoulis europarl.eu.int; tpflueger europarl.eu.int;
MPortas europarl.eu.int; ransdorf kscm.cz; rromeva europarl.eu.int;
hruehle europarl.eu.int; heide.ruehle gmx.de; e-b.svensson bredband.net;
ktriantaphyllides europarl.eu.int; zimmer.zimmer t-online.de;
cab-rehn-web-feedback cec.eu.int; CommissionerHR.Communication coe.int;
cptdoc coe.int; payday paydaynet.org; info wri-irg.org.
and cc: Turkish embassy UK turkish.emb btclick.com
Turkish embassy USA ambassador turkishembassy.org
28 June 2005
General Staff
Presidency of Turkey Republic
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Minister of the Interior Abdulkadir Aksu
Minister for Justice Cemil Çiçek
Sivas Military Prison
Re: Conscientious Objector Mehmet Tarhan, illegally detained by
Turkish army
We write to you about Mehmet Tarhan, a gay man and conscientious
objector, detained since 8 April in the military prison of Sivas, Turkey.
Encouraged by prison staff, other prisoners have repeatedly beaten,
humiliated and threatened Mr Tarhan with death, even in front of his
lawyer. When Mr Tarhan went before the military court on June 9, he could
not walk properly and his body was covered in bruises.
As you know, the judge released Mr Tarhan because he had «already
spent two months in prison, which is about the time he would have to serve
in prison if finally sentenced»1. However, he was returned to detention,
first to Sivas military hospital, and then to Sivas military prison.
Mr Tarhan should never have been jailed in the first place. It is a
scandal that he had to go on hunger strike for 28 days in order to win
elementary human rights like equal treatment with, and protection from,
other prisoners, and examination and treatment by independent doctors.
The Turkish military and civilian authorities must guarantee his
safety. An independent inquiry must establish who is responsible for
inciting and perpetrating violent acts against Mr Tarhan while in
detention, and they must be brought to justice.
We are outraged to hear that Mr Tarhan, having again refused to
serve, is to be put on trial a second time, on 12 July.
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, in the case
of another Turkish conscientious objector, Osman Murat Ulke, stated that
any detention of a conscientious objector after an initial detention
following a first act of refusal is «arbitrary, being contrary to article
10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights»3.
Mr Tarhan is exercising his right to conscientious objection under
Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
(ICCPR), to which Turkey is a party. And the Committee of Ministers to
Member States of the Council of Europe Regarding Conscientious Objection to
Compulsory Military Service states that, «Anyone liable to conscription for
military service who, for compelling reasons of conscience, refuses to be
involved in the use of arms, shall have the right to be released from the
obligation to perform such service»4.
This cycle of detention, torture, trial, mock release and detention
is illegal and must be stopped. The judge’s ruling of 9 June must be
Mr Olli Rehn, Commissioner for Enlargement Policy of the European
Union, has pledged to take up Mr Tarhan’s case. Other MEPs, including
Michael Cashman, the President of the European Parliament’s Intergroup on
Gay and Lesbian Rights, Caroline Lucas from the Greens and Vittorio
Agnoletto from the United Left have already made representations to the
Turkish government. Amnesty International considers Mehmet Tarhan to be a
prisoner of conscience.
We demand the immediate recognition of conscientious objector status
and unconditional release for Mehmet Tarhan and all other Turkish
conscientious objectors, including Ersan Ugur Gor, Erdem Yalcinkaya,
Mustafa Seyhoglu and Hasan Cimen who were arrested following Mr Tarhan’s
Yours for refusing to kill,
Dean Kendall Michael Kalmanovitz
Payday US Payday UK
1 War Resisters International, CO-alert, 10 June 2005
2 Suna Coskun, Mehmet Tarhan’s lawyer, at 17 June 2005 press
3 Opinion 36/1999
4 Recommendation No. R (87) 8
Olli Rehn, Commissioner for enlargement policy of the European Union
Alvaro Gil-Robles, Commissioner for Human Rights, Council of Europe
Trevor Stevens, Executive Secretary, Committee for the Prevention of
Torture, Council of Europe
Michael Cashman MEP, President of the European Parliament’s
Intergroup on Gay and Lesbian Rights
Adamos Adamou MEP, Vittorio Agnoletto MEP, Giovanni Berlinguer MEP,
Fausto Bertinotti MEP, Emma Bonino MEP, Paulo Casaca MEP, Giulietto Chiesa
MEP, Daniel Cohn-Bendit MEP, Richard Falbr MEP, Massimo D’Alema MEP,
Antonio Di Pietro MEP, Hélène Flautre MEP, Monica Frassoni MEP, Lili Gruber
MEP, Jean Lambert MEP, Enrico Letta MEP, Caroline Lucas MEP , Helmuth
Markov MEP, Erik Meijer MEP, Luisa Morgantini MEP, Roberto Musacchio MEP ,
Marco Pannella MEP, Dimitris Papadimoulis MEP, Miguel Portas MEP, Tobias
Pflüger MEP, Miloslav Ransdorf MEP, Raul Romeva MEP, Heide Ruehle MEP,
Eva-Britt Svensson MEP, Kyriacos Triantaphyllides MEP, Gabi Zimmer MEP.
Payday working with the
Global Women’s Strike